Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oh, the botany!

The other day I'm outside doing my usual cart round-up, and walk over to a couple that looks done with their cart so I can take it from them. The man, though, does not see me walk up nor hears me say, "I can take that for you, sir" and proceeds to try and lift the entire basket into a planter. He cannot get the entire cart into the planter because there are, oddly enough, plants in it. "Sir, I can get that for you..." I plead as he rams his cart into the plant over and over, completely annihilating it, and I stand there in awe. The wife finally interjects, "Honey! Stop! She wants to get the cart!" He stops his plant massacre and turns around, "oh... okay." and let's go of the cart and walks away. "Sorry, he isn't all there," the wife jokes as an apology. Neither is the plant, I think to myself as I liberate the cart from the planter and walk it back to the safety of the cart corral.... neither is the plant.


  1. Omg!! This is hysterical!! Totally rolling around laughing over here!!

  2. The funny thing is, I totally thought of you when I was writing this. I knew you'd appreciate it.
